10 Nov

Christians and Division – Part 2: Interpretive Method

Often Christians divide because they are looking at the same text of Scripture and seeing it through different preconceived ideas. In cases like this, they might feel like the other person is being deliberately stubborn in refusing to see the plain truth in the Bible.

1 John 2:1-2

[1] My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. [2] He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.

One person might read this and think that Jesus took the punishment for sins for every person. Another might read it and think that “world” actually means “not just Jews”, with the main idea being that both Jews and gentiles are saved through Jesus in a non-individualistic sense, i.e. Jesus took the punishment for sin for men of every nation.

In another situation, looking at Acts chapter 2 and the Day of Pentecost, one believes the miraculous speaking in tongues seen is an example for today to be copied. Another sees this as a special time in the history of the church that is a-typical and never to be repeated.

So how do we plot a path forward when different Christians will find different ways to read the same text? Well, this is not a fool proof solution as we are still fallen and sinful people trying to understand sometimes complex parts of God’s Word. However, we can try to understand our own preconceived ideas that we bring to the text as a start.

More importantly, we listen patiently to others and question carefully why they believe a text should be interpreted the way they are interpreting it.

Even more important is to see how Scripture interprets Scripture. Are there examples of Jesus and the writers of the New Testament interpreting Old Testament passages? If so, are we interpreting in the same way? Does the same author shed light on his own word usage somewhere else? Maybe John uses the word “world” in a particular way (and maybe not).

The science and art of interpreting Scripture is both simple enough that a child can learn the Good News of Jesus, and deep enough that scholars of many years experience can still find competing theories. However, if we can recognise the differences in preconceptions we bring to the text of Scripture, we may move a little closer to displaying the love and unity we should have between fellow servants of Christ.

10 Nov

Where does the misinformation come from?

“some of that misinformation is actually having an impact on teachers’ willingness to be vaccinated … often when we can provide good reliable information and combat some of that misinformation”

source: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/455328/jacinda-ardern-on-vaccine-mandates-hard-to-know-how-long-they-will-be-used?fbclid=IwAR3xRmHN0w9zsVKd6x1bAU2jdsox7ZU_rnznuyAkMJS-fIKEGUbu7_wMwCo

I dare say we know where the real misinformation is coming from… The people Hipkins is talking about have been asking plenty of questions but are not getting satisfying answers. Here are a few questions:

What is the infection fatality rate of SARS-CoV-2? (Deaths divided by infections as a percentage)

What is the infection rate in the general population? E.g. what percentage of people will catch the virus if it goes unchecked?

If asymptomatic transmission is real, which we are regularly told it is, how do we know how many people have actually had the virus?

If we don’t know how many people have actually had the virus, how can we know the infection rate or the infection fatality rate for certain? If more people could have had it then the fatality rate is surely much lower than that commonly reported.

On what basis was Comirnaty granted an exemption if there are massive gaps in testing data, especially long-term testing data?

What is the transmission rate of vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals?

If there is only a marginal difference in transmission rates, why do we need to insist all staff are vaccinated at work?

If there is a significantly higher transmission in unvaccinated individuals, does that translate to a real increase in risk? E.g. If the virus has become endemic (everywhere without the possibility of eliminating it), doesn’t that mean everyone will catch it fairly soon anyway, vaccinated or not?

How come early stage treatments and preventative medications and advice has not been and is not being given? These medications and advice have been massively successful, are well established as safe, and deserve the title of “safe and effective” far more than Comirnaty.

Why is the Prime Minister talking about opening up Auckland before Christmas as the bottom line when health is supposed to be the bottom line and the media is reporting higher infection rates every day?

How can we trust statistics and advice from the government when they have demonstrably lied about aspects of their plans (conditions required for opening up again) and promises (no vax mandates) to the NZ people.

Here’s a biggie for me personally: Why do we care so much about all things Covid when more than 13,000 babies are killed through abortion every year. In one stinking day in NZ there are more of our most vulnerable killed than the entire NZ death count of this “pandemic”.

You might not agree with my position on abortion but at least you can understand why I might not be so concerned about Covid.

I know many who have lost loved ones overseas through this global crisis, but you have to put aside the emotional response for a moment and ask if they died from the virus or from mismanagement. Did they have access to early and effective treatment? Did they have a ventilator pushed on them too quickly? Were they dying from something else anyway?

06 Nov

Mandatory Vaccination Teacher Timeline 2021

Friday 1st October – final day of Term 3

Monday 11th October – mandatory vaccination for teachers announced

Tuesday 26th October – mandatory vaccination for teachers becomes law

Tuesday 26th October until Saturday 6th November – teachers (and others affected) frantically seek exemptions under section 7A of the newly established mandatory vaccination law.

Sunday 7th November – Section 7A removed from the law to prevent exemptions (except if granted by those changing the law).

It seems that our government can’t do much right, as they keep changing the law to match what they really intended, and they want to control, control, control.

Why not allow GPs to give exemptions based on their professional skill and judgement of a patient? Surely there is more than one single person in the country who is qualified to judge appropriateness of an exemption?

When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2

05 Nov

Dear Member

Dear member

I urge you to use your influence to make a way for religious exemptions to Comirnaty (Pfizer Covid vaccination). While the vaccine does not contain any fetal cells, aborted fetal cell lines were used in the testing phase. And while the Vatican may allow this without any other alternatives available, I am a protestant Christian who does not accept the advice of the Roman Catholic Church. You can read the Vatican’s statement on this here if you wish: https://www.catholicnews.com/vatican-without-alternatives-current-covid-19-vaccines-are-morally-acceptable/

I am a teacher at a Christian school (state integrated) who feels conscience bound before God not to receive this vaccine. My employer is sympathetic but is bound to follow MOE advice. As a result I have an uncertain future for myself and my family. I am attempting to support my family through other means once I am out of a job. You can read more about my situation here if you wish: http://pl.samhight.com/the-tea/

While other Christians may hold a different view, the historic Protestant Christian Faith does not allow Christians to compromise their personal conscience before God. To do so is sinful and a violation of the law of loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength (Luke 10:27). To compromise conscience also sets a bad example for those who see these actions, which is also sinful as it violates the law of loving my neighbour who will see me compromise.

Christians should be free to follow their own consciences before God, and other Christians do come to different conclusions regarding the use of aborted fetal tissue lines. I can accept their conscience differs from mine, but my conscience is my conscience and theirs is theirs. Each of us is answerable to our Maker for our own conscience.

It is interesting to note that the Vatican position is a compromise due to their understanding that there is no other treatment available. I wonder if they would revoke their advice if they were aware of other treatment options. 

I am disappointed to see that other cheap, safe, and well-tested medications for use with Covid have been blocked from use and importation in New Zealand. Some of these have been enormously successful overseas, e.g. in India with their widely used home kits. Unfortunately, misinformation has been spread about these medications, perhaps deliberately.

Dissatisfaction with the government is rising in many quarters. It is clear that some big changes are needed.

Thank you for your consideration of this position. I am happy receive replies or to engage in discussion with you regarding these issues.

Kind regards
Samuel Hight

Sam Hight

18 Jun

Abortion in 2018

“Stats NZ has released its official data around terminations in 2018, showing there were 13,282 abortions performed last year”

Source: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/06/one-in-five-new-zealand-pregnancies-end-in-abortion.html

If these are babies, how insane is this?

If these are not babies, when do they become babies and why?

If you believe they are not babies and you can’t say when they become babies and justify why, then you shouldn’t be supporting such insanity! At the least you should be insisting that we halt all abortions until we know beyond reasonable doubt…

Now, if you’ve realised your delusion only after participating in this terrible deed, you should know that there is forgiveness before your Maker who made those little lives which were destroyed in the womb.

This forgiveness comes through Jesus, the divine Son of God who lived a life of perfect righteousness and then died on a cross. His perfect record is granted to you if you put your trust in him, and he takes the punishment you deserve in his death.

His resurrection to life on the third day is a declaration by the Spirit of God of the Father’s acceptance of the Son’s work of redemption. Because Jesus work was accepted, you don’t need to work to earn your forgiveness. Simply come to Him in faith and your guilt will not be counted against you on the Last Day.

Abortion is a terrible evil, but our hope through this and any other evil is in the unshakable work of Christ our king.