05 Nov

Dear Member

Dear member

I urge you to use your influence to make a way for religious exemptions to Comirnaty (Pfizer Covid vaccination). While the vaccine does not contain any fetal cells, aborted fetal cell lines were used in the testing phase. And while the Vatican may allow this without any other alternatives available, I am a protestant Christian who does not accept the advice of the Roman Catholic Church. You can read the Vatican’s statement on this here if you wish: https://www.catholicnews.com/vatican-without-alternatives-current-covid-19-vaccines-are-morally-acceptable/

I am a teacher at a Christian school (state integrated) who feels conscience bound before God not to receive this vaccine. My employer is sympathetic but is bound to follow MOE advice. As a result I have an uncertain future for myself and my family. I am attempting to support my family through other means once I am out of a job. You can read more about my situation here if you wish: http://pl.samhight.com/the-tea/

While other Christians may hold a different view, the historic Protestant Christian Faith does not allow Christians to compromise their personal conscience before God. To do so is sinful and a violation of the law of loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength (Luke 10:27). To compromise conscience also sets a bad example for those who see these actions, which is also sinful as it violates the law of loving my neighbour who will see me compromise.

Christians should be free to follow their own consciences before God, and other Christians do come to different conclusions regarding the use of aborted fetal tissue lines. I can accept their conscience differs from mine, but my conscience is my conscience and theirs is theirs. Each of us is answerable to our Maker for our own conscience.

It is interesting to note that the Vatican position is a compromise due to their understanding that there is no other treatment available. I wonder if they would revoke their advice if they were aware of other treatment options. 

I am disappointed to see that other cheap, safe, and well-tested medications for use with Covid have been blocked from use and importation in New Zealand. Some of these have been enormously successful overseas, e.g. in India with their widely used home kits. Unfortunately, misinformation has been spread about these medications, perhaps deliberately.

Dissatisfaction with the government is rising in many quarters. It is clear that some big changes are needed.

Thank you for your consideration of this position. I am happy receive replies or to engage in discussion with you regarding these issues.

Kind regards
Samuel Hight

Sam Hight