09 Oct

Exploring the Concept of Free Will by Sam Hight

We live right on top of a railway line. Trains rumble by at all hours of the day. You don’t hear them pass so much as you feel the ground shake and shudder. Trains are massive monsters of metal, marvels of engineering, unstoppable in their mission along the tracks.

Imagine walking on to the track and trying to derail the train by the strength of your body alone. Even charging into it with all your might you will not succeed!

The train’s path is God’s free will to follow the direction he chooses. Your life is lived on the tracks. Your will can’t hope to change the path of the train, but you can choose to throw yourself against the train, even if it is futile and foolish to do so. The only wise approach is to get on the train and go in the same direction as God.

People have serious problems accepting their lack of ability to govern their own life and eternity. The ultimate lack of our free will is in the fact that, if we don’t do what God commands in this life, he will punish us forever in hell. There is no freedom to opt in or out of this plan of action.

Doesn’t that make the question of our freedom to choose salvation a bit pointless? We should be throwing ourselves at the feet of God, clinging to Christ as our only hope in life and death, not debating whether our choice is genuinely free or not! Why would anyone want the freedom to choose anything less than salvation anyway? Why would anyone feel less than complete love and gratitude toward the One who says he will not reject anyone who comes to him (John 6:37)?

Only the person who doesn’t really believe in God, or want to believe in God, will find serious enough issue to make it a deal breaker.

There is an incredible amount of ongoing controversy within Christian circles about ‘free will’. This is also true, but perhaps to a lesser extent within secular circles. Nothing seems to prompt more arguments and misunderstandings, and even divisions, within the church.

The discussion and debate is often centered around whether we have free will to choose God or not. In teaching about this and in discussion with random people on the street, there is an assumed notion that we all have free will. That God has given us this wonderful gift.

I want to submit the controversial ideas that

  1. free will is not taught in scripture (though we are commanded to make choices for which we are still responsible for the consequences)
  2. free will is a foolish idea at best and an idol at worst, and
  3. free will is never actually possible for us anyway!

We shouldn’t confuse religious freedoms with freedom of will in Christian salvation. One is granted by government or constitution to worship whatever god or non-god we choose, the other is a decision that is made for us when God causes us to be born again (or leaves us to perish in our sinfulness). There is no coercion with God, he just makes you see that there is no other way!

No matter who you are, your choices are subject to your preferences, passions, and constitution. Whether by nature or nurture, you can’t make a decision without it coming from some prior cause that has made you want to choose that way. God is not bound by a prior cause to choose one way or the other. This is what makes him who he is. This is amazing. God is extraordinary! Just as God has existence that does not depend on anything external, his choices do not depend on anything external. Our decisions do, and scripture is clear that nobody has the ability to see the truth of salvation unless God gives them his Spirit (1 Cor 2:10-14).

Some questions for both sides of the debate to consider:

If you believe that we have free will, particularly in salvation, does that leave us room to boast that we are smarter or wiser than the person who doesn’t choose salvation? Does that then contradict Ephesians 2:8-9?

If you believe that we don’t have free will in salvation, does that make us robots who are unable to love God truly? Love must be freely given, says the assumption, or it’s not truly love – is this correct? I don’t think so, but that’s a discussion for another time.

We have to be careful not to put human philosophies into the mix. We have to be careful to hold as true all of the truth that the Bible declares. If these truths seem to conflict, then we must admit our inability to see things as God sees things, we must trust the amazing parts that we can understand and transfer this same trust to the parts that don’t work in our tiny brains.

The Bible says that we must make decisions and that we are responsible for those decisions (Deuteronomy 30:19). The Bible also says that we are subject to the will of our maker, that we have lots of plans that won’t come to pass because God has his own plans for us (Proverbs 19:21).

Some might say that using mystery is a cop-out, that if we can’t make sense of it then it is nonsense. I believe that the parts we can understand earns more than enough trust for the difficult parts. I believe it is foolish to think that we can understand God completely, because then we would be God. God is a mystery in his fullness. We can only understand parts and aspects of him as he has revealed himself to us.

Consider the Trinity: Can you split infinity into two or three and have less than infinity for each of the three? No. In the same way, God is triune, three persons, but one being. God is not split in such a way to be separate from the other persons though. This is a mystery and we are rising above ourselves to claim to form an understandable version of God. This is where Unitarians on one end and Mormons on the other go wrong – they are trying to form an understandable version of God that fits into human categories. God is both three and one, not just one or just three.

The idol of free will is that we think we can understand God in a way that he hasn’t revealed himself to us. We think that we have more power than we do, to choose, and God has less power than he does. It is also that we want to rebel and have freedom of choice which is something only reserved for God. We do not want to acknowledge that we are merely vessels, made by God for a purpose, and subject to his decision about whether we will be used for honourable or for dishonourable use (Rom 9:21-23).

Here is a final perspective. God has made all people to glorify him. Some will glorify his mercy and grace through forgiveness of sin in Christ and the resulting eternal life. The rest will glorify him through the justice seen in eternal punishment. It was God’s will to make it this way. Whatever your feelings on the matter, it is best to cling to Christ, as the only hope and saviour, for eternal life. Choose life today!

There are many unasked questions on this topic. Feel free to ask the in the comments or on Facebook, I’d love to dialogue further!


06 Oct

Jude 1-2

The first video devotion, an experiment and an outlet for my attempts at devotions/teaching presented creatively. This will hopefully serve God and help minister to his people.

I haven’t seen too much of this sort of thing around, but John Piper does it well with a teaching focus in his Look at the Book series.

14 Feb

Top Ten – 2015 Week 7

Is your faith your own, or do you rely only on others to help you walk the walk?

Yeah, Well, But What About the Crusades? – Helpful article from The Gospel Coalition reminding us about the Muslim cause for the Crusades.

Is the Gay Rights Movement the Rightful Heir to the Civil Rights Tradition – Great principle to remember to help your understanding and those of others.

President Obama and the Problem of Religious Conviction – Obama is overly influenced by postmodern thinking.

3 Female Ghosts that Haunt the Church – Good challenges to all men and how we may feel threatened by women in various ways. A warning is necessary: I feel that some care needs to be taken not to use this wisdom as an excuse for being unwise with accountability and safe practice. The article doesn’t suggest that but I can see overzealous men, wishing to do the right thing, but going too far.

Biblical Reasons to Doubt the Creation Days Were 24-Hour Periods – Even if you don’t believe this title is true, it is worth a read to challenge your thinking.

A Pastor’s Reflections: The Benefits of Membership – We’re working through the process of finding a church where we can be signed members. It could take years but this is one of the reasons why it is worth it.

What I Would Have To Deny To Deny Hell – Nobody wants to believe in hell, but if it exists we should act as if it exists.

God, Protect My Girls – Prayers that all parents should pray for their children, not just for their daughters. I have two daughters and another daughter on the way!

Will You Go Out With Me? Rules for Biblical Dating – A short list. I like the third point: return your date home more holy!

Five Tips for Bible Memory – The longer I continue with extended Bible memorisation the more I value it. Books are not always necessary, as shown in this article, but I do think that memorising entire books is the natural long-term desire for those who memorise larger chunks of scripture.

07 Feb

Top Ten – 2015 Week 6

“The spiritually dead cannot enter God’s holy presence”

Keith Mathison

“You Must Be Born Again” – I’m convinced that there would be a major shift for the better in the state of the church (and the entire world) if this one truth was better understood.

Riding Light – This video is a great way of demonstrating the vastness of space, which always draws my mind and heart to reflect on the enormity of God’s great power in creating and upholding the entire universe.

Three Reasons Why Singing is Essential in the Life of the Disciple – Never neglect the heart in worship!

The Girl in the Tuxedo: Two Variations on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – Whatever your views, this article provides good insight into the pressures faced by today’s teens and young adults.

Anti-vaxxers and epistemological narcissism – I’m against unnecessary vaccination (most people don’t need seasonal flu vaccinations), but I do think some vaccinations (for deadly diseases such as measles) are essential.

Marriage and the Gospel – Don’t underestimate the testimony of a loving and holy marriage.

The “Plus One” Approach to Church – This is a good way to ensure that shifting church is not a fickle decision for you or your family.

Worthy of double honor – Do you prepare for Sunday’s sermon as well as the preacher? This is part two of how to encourage your pastor, read part one also.

A Mobile Phone Contract for Our Daughter – A Wise approach.

When Reading the Bible Through Just Wouldn’t Do – A touching glimpse into the grief of a lost spouse and helpful tips for reading your Bible when “normal” methods don’t work.

31 Jan

Top Ten – 2015 Week 5

The Techniques of a Sexual Predator – You need to know this so that you can keep a better watch over your children or those of your church and other places.

On the Day I Married Her – another one from Tim Challies about how we don’t really know the person we marry.

How and Why to Improve Your Cursive Penmanship – from The Art of Manliness website. I’ve been looking for hobbies, not because I’m not busy and need to fill time but because I need a positive distraction from everyday routines as a revitaliser.

The App of God – The Bible is more than just a book, it is God’s word in whatever medium it comes to us. Yet another article from Tim Challies that spoke to me this week!

Kids’ birthday parties keep getting more extravagant – The article isn’t from a Christian perspective but these are things we should be careful to notice and think about why. Are we honouring God through endless extravagance that burdens overtired and overstretched mothers?

7 Principles of Sabbath Rest – It’s good to check whether we are using our Sabbaths as God intended.

UndeNYEably Uninformed – Bill Nye is termed “the anti-science guy” by Dr. Jay Wile.

Flirting with the Law – sometimes we don’t break laws but our hearts are not pure in what we do anyway. Rules are never meant for mere following but to teach understanding of bigger issues.

The Greatest Danger Facing the Church – Wolves in sheep’s clothing are pastors who confess the truth and sound right but who ultimately deny the God who makes that truth powerful.

Meet John – A short video about John Barros who ministers outside an abortion clinic with incredible love and gentleness.

“God is looking for individuals in this generation who will rise above the status quo of contemporary Christianity and say with Edwards, “I am completely Yours.” God is searching for those people in this hour who will strive to be that one in this generation who is the most complete Christian.”

– The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards by Steven J Lawson (Link to Logos Version)

24 Jan

Top Ten – 2015 Week 4

5 Scientific Problems with Current Theories of Biological and Chemical Evolution – It’s always worth a quick read to keep these arguments in mind for discussions which may arise.

20 Things I Want My Daughters to Understand About Being a Woman – I have two daughters (so far) and, having taught many teenage girls at a secular high school – and seeing their attitudes and behaviours I am on the lookout for lessons to contrast this for my daughters when they are older and their decisions matter much more.

Christian magistrate Richard Page suspended for said adopted child needed mum and dad – more and more, Christian’s are being marginalised for their faith, and especially for trying to honour God and love their neighbour.

2 Principles to Consider if You Are Planning to Move: Advice to a Mobile Society – Are you moving church for the right reasons?

Lecrae Confesses Abortion, Invites Others into the Light – If only we were all so open about our failings and our sin, then people would see God’s grace so much more.

5 Simple Ways to Teach Your Kids Theology – Again, always on the lookout for these sorts of tips. It doesn’t need to be intimidating.

Scientists Are Still Trying To Figure Out Gecko Feet – Yes and no, but very fascinating evidence of a designer.

Darrell Bock Responds to Kurt Eichenwald’s Newsweek Article on the Bible – The first of four predicted parts to Darrell Bock’s response. It amazes me that such esteemed scholars seemingly lower themselves to respond to such rubbish as the Newsweek article – really it is Christ-like humility and a wise awareness that people actually believe these things.

Change For Struggling Marriages – marriage will always have hurdles and rocky roads to pass. We sign up to stick it out and will learn much as we come through these situations.

Emails Suggest Lifeway President Knew of Heaven Scam, Chose Not to Act – Don’t buy into these false testimonies of visits to heaven (or hell). It’s something “fascinating” to draw you away from truth.

Thought for the week:

When you stand before God to be judged, procrastination won’t get you out of hell.

16 Jan

Top Ten – 2015 Week 3

My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward – Not written from a Christian perspective, but definitely food for thought. What would you do if this sort of trial appeared in your life?

Porn: Human Trafficking at Your Finger Tips – YouTube video with a message that needs to be shared. I think more people are realising just how ruinous pornography is, both to the people represented in this form of media and to the the observers. Society would only be a better place if we had more control of our bodily urges.

Randy Alcorn on Calvinists, Arminians, and Everything In Between – Biblical balance is always important!

When the Sin of Sloth Sneaks Up on You – I loved reading this well described and pithy account of how married life changes with the pressures of kids and how one mother works to overcome the chaos.

Home for the Holidays When Home Isn’t Safe – Some strong contrasts between the Christian way and the world’s way occurred to me while reading this.

How Classical Education Shapes Us as God Intended – If you don’t know what a classical education is, follow a few of the links in this article, in particular the piece by Dorothy Sayers is essential reading.

Religious Liberty, Bigotry and Gays – New York Times piece written by an openly homosexual man who does not believe that his point of view stops religious freedom. While reading, see if you can spoke the logical flaws in his arguments and then read the next article by Albert Mohler and see if you were right.

Religious Liberty vs. Erotic Liberty – Religious Liberty is Losing – Albert Mohler’s response to the above article.

The Ineptitude of Moral Equivalence – A helpful analysis of Islam in the light of recent terror attacks and comparison to Christianity.

The Privilege of Persecution in Northern India – Some great quotes in the second half of this article by persecuted Christians with their eyes on eternity. It’s the right perspective!

Thought for the week:
Even though God loves you, he will judge you.

10 Jan

Top Ten – 2015 Week 2

How to Distinguish the Holy Spirit from the Serpent – Who is giving you those impressions, prophecies, words of knowledge, etc? (The first of three articles from the always solid www.ligonier.org).

How to Grow Spiritually – It’s simple but often too boring for an over-entertained and over-stimulated generation.

7 Truths We Have Forgotten – Wisdom from earlier times (The last of the three from Ligonier).

Christmas Hands – I was touched by this short message of joy at serving and blessing others.

What Would Jesus Say to Someone Like Leelah Alcorn? – Christians will need a loving and biblical response to transgenderism and similar issues which will become more prevalent.

10 Questions for Moms in the New Year – Some deep and challenging questions from a woman who takes her role seriously.

Why My Family Doesn’t Do Sleepovers – An article which has been surprising for its wide spread readership. Some really important things to consider here.

Productivity: Simple Tricks – The thinking behind these tips is what struck me as most important. You can apply the concepts to your life to come up with your own tricks (a sneaky fourth from Ligonier).

An Update On The Triceratops Fossil That Contained Soft Tissue – It’s good to keep up with evidences which counter old earth timescales. Dr. Wile is always balanced and fair in his approach.

Would You Skip Church for Football – or any other sport? We should be more committed to getting ourselves and our families to church.

Thought for the week:

You can’t understand God, otherwise you would be God, but you can know the things about him that he has revealed to you.


03 Jan

Top Ten – 2015 Week 1

Rather than sharing a multitude of articles through the week, and sometimes daily, I thought it would be more considerate to curate my top for the week and share in a single post. I will try to do this weekly.

Bible Reading Is an Art – Ever wondered what the difference between meditation and study of scripture is? This was one question that was answered in this piece.

Reflection on my 40-day fast

Worship Like a Puritan – I’ve been reading and thinking about family worship this week.

Family Worship – Tim Challies reviews a book on family worship. Tim’s reviews often teach the main concepts when you don’t have time to source or read the book yourself.

More Archaeological Evidence That Supports The Bible – It’s always encouraging to read about more evidence to support the historical accuracy of the Bible.

Pursuing Holiness – Jerry Bridges’ final few thoughts on key biblical understandings really resonated with me.

What Cessationism Is Not – A helpful look at a biblical perspective on the view that the more miraculous spiritual gifts are no longer around.

The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin – Newsweek with some commonly used but totally hopeless arguments against the Bible. I suggest reading this first and seeing whether you can answer the objections before reading a couple of responses to this article below.

Newsweek on the Bible: So Misrepresented It’s a Sin – Albert Mohler responds to the Newsweek article above.

A Christmas Present from the Mainstream Media: Newsweek Takes a Desperate Swipe at the Integrity of the Bible (Part 1) – A more detailed look at the arguments presented in the Newsweek piece.

24 Dec

Self Control – The Neglected Fruit Of The Spirit by Sam Hight

I’ll keep this brief. There is a huge problem in many Christian circles. We are severely lacking in self-control, one of the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians chapter 5. We see a lot of love, joy, patience, kindness, and more, but not so much self-control. As a result, we don’t see as much personal holiness as we should either.

I won’t go into whether that is a sign of absent salvation or not, but that is something you might like to think about for yourself. You should see more self-control in your life as the years pass if you have the Spirit of salvation growing fruit in your life.

What we should see is a greater ability not to give in to temptations. It might not be easier, but we should be giving in to the lusts of the flesh less and less. You know what your particular weaknesses are: pornography, speaking untruths, gluttony, giving in to fits of anger, putting yourself above others in your opinion of who is better, being wise in your own eyes, etc.

We should see more encouragement between saints to be holy as He is holy. We should be unashamed of our weaknesses and trusting one another to remind us and strengthen our resolve to overcome.

When was the last time you were encouraged to aim for holiness and blamelessness from the pulpit of your church? When was the last time you opened up to someone trustworthy about the struggles you were facing that week and sought their prayers for your deliverance? When was the last time you heard about someone being asked to leave your church for denying their sin and failing to repent? When was the last time you heard someone taking sin seriously enough to risk embarrassment by confessing their weakness?

I want to list some ideas to think about for fixing this awful state of Christianity, but before getting to that there must be an acceptance of the problem. Take a moment to search your heart… Do you lack in discipline and holiness? Is there a culture of self-discipline and encouragement of holiness in your church? Your family? Your relationship with your spouse?

I urge you, nay plead with you: Please be prayerful and honest before your God in this, and remember that there is mercy and grace to be had for our failings.

Consider these as possible parts to the solution:

1. Get clear on the importance of self-control and personal discipline in personal and communal holiness.
2. Encourage one another in holiness (identify where we are lacking, praise the good done, lead in positive ways by example)
3. Raise the profile and practice of spiritual disciplines (Bible reading, scripture memory, prayer, fasting, etc.)
4. Engage your brain in worship more. The emotions need to be informed more by the truth of Christ in this age of sensuality and emotionalism. We need to worship in specific truths about who God is and what he has done to save us from our sin and not just “the truth” in general as a vague notion. The enemy of holiness is our fallen human instinct which is sensuality and over-emotionalism.
5. Discipline is difficult. We need to make it easier on ourselves by having greater structure in our lives so that we live by the structure without having to exert ourselves mentally every time a situation pops up which tests us. We must be willing to bend our lives around self-discipline and not make our self-discipline something flexible that shifts to suit our lives. Our lives are not our own anyway: we should serve Christ our Lord, not run around expecting him to serve us at every whim of fleshly desire.
6. Pray, pray, pray!
7. Talk about this with your church leaders.

I hope and pray that this leads to further holiness and self-control in your life. If you are not a Christian I hope that you will see your own lack of holiness and your need for the power of God to save you from the consequences of your sin. Hell is real. I hope that some would even receive greater assurance of their salvation through reading this.

May God bless your pursuit of holiness!